This month, Steenks Service delivered two new Berg Hortimotive EasyLeaf leaf-picking trolleys to a branch of The Valley. They allow the staff responsible for picking and cutting leaves to work with greater efficiency.

Previous collaboration with The Valley

The Valley is a producer of fruit and vegetables and operates multiple branches in De Lier and Vierpolders. We delivered the new EasyLeaf leaf-picking trolley from Berg Hortimotive to one of these branches. In the past, The Valley had relied on Steenks Service to supply as many as 24 new pipe-rail trolleys. Steenks Service was keen to take care of this delivery as well. The EasyLeaf leaf-picking trolley makes work inside the greenhouses a whole lot easier, as it allows staff to work at the desired height.

EasyLeaf leaf-picking trolley from Berg Hortimotive

The Valley made a good choice with the EasyLeaf leaf-picking trolleys from Berg Hortimotive, as they offer great transport flexibility over concrete paths. The machines owe this to their rubber castor wheels. In addition, the leaf-picking trolley is extremely lightweight, enabling flexible transport over the concrete to the next pipe rail. Pickers can set the platform at different heights, ensuring that work can always be carried out at the most efficient height. This reduces fatigue in crop operations and helps to save time.

EasyLeaf leaf picking trolley | Steenks Service

Range of pipe-rail trolleys at Steenks Service

Steenks Service has a variety of options available within its range of pipe-rail trolleys. Our pipe-rail trolleys are suitable for tasks such as picking fruit and vegetables or cutting leaves. Our specialists can also offer advice whenever you need it. Simply contact us using the contact form on our website or call +31(0) 174 510 266. We’d be happy to help!