Showing all 4 results

Piperailtrolley BRW170
Piperailtrolley BRW170

1 item in stock

Article codeBP509
Selling typeUsed
Track sizeDiverse opties
42,5/5,1cm (1)
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Pipe rail trolley BRW185
Pipe rail trolley BRW185

5 items in stock

Article codeBP241
Selling typeUsed
Track sizeDiverse opties
42,5/5,1cm (5)
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Pipe rail trolley BRW185
Pipe rail trolley BRW185

3 items in stock

Article codeBP349
Selling typeUsed
Track sizeDiverse opties
55/5,1cm (3)
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Pipe rail trolley BRW170
Pipe rail trolley BRW170

1 item in stock

Article codeBP637
Selling typeUsed
Track sizeDiverse opties
42,5/5,1cm (1)
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Frequently asked questions

What is a single hydraulic pipe-rail trolley?

A single hydraulic pipe-rail trolley is an electrically driven transport trolley used to transport people at height through a greenhouse over a pipe-rail system. The trolley needs to be driven by a person. It is used for carrying out crop care and scouting work.

How high can a single hydraulic pipe-rail trolley go?

A single hydraulic pipe-rail trolley always has one scissor. This allows the platform height to be varied from 50 to 175 cm.

How does a single hydraulic pipe-rail trolley work?

Single hydraulic is a control system that uses oil pressure movements to effect a movement on one side. In the case of a single hydraulic pipe-rail trolley, the platform can be moved upwards with a single-acting hydraulic cylinder. The platform cannot be lowered by the hydraulic cylinder. Instead, a control valve is used to lower the oil pressure so that the platform is lowered under its own weight.