Jungheinrich tow tractor
Jungheinrich is one of the oldest companies in the market for internal transportation solutions. Jungheinrich tow tractors are a prime example of German engineering and are considered top of the line. We have a selection of used Jungheinrich tow tractors available for sale. Do you want to see our complete inventory of used tow tractors? Then please visit our inventory of Spijkstaal, Bull, and Linde tow tractors.
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Buy a Jungheinrich tow tractor
Do you want to buy a used Jungheinrich tow tractor in mint condition? Then it is good to know that we can completely overhaul every used electric tow tractor in our inventory and that we can deliver it in the same working condition as a new tow tractor. On your request, our mechanics can replace worn parts such as battery packs and they can even paint the machine in your company colors. No matter what your wishes are, every used Jungheinrich tow tractor is delivered with a three-month warranty.
Furthermore, our skilled mechanics are experts in manufacturing custom solutions. For example, think of lengthening the platform of an electric burden carrier, or designing a custom tow bar for your tow tractor. Every challenge has a solution and they will gladly help you out.
Steenks Service as your specialist in tow tractors
You can visit Steenks Service to buy or lease new and used tow tractors. Electric tow tractors are perfect for internal transportation and are even used for emission free distribution of goods in many city centers.
Are you interested in one of our tow tractors? Please feel free to contact one of our sales consultations to discuss your wishes.