HS Tuinbouw Service opts for new Berkvens pipe-rail trolleys from Steenks Service
HS Tuinbouw Service recently expanded its fleet of trolleys to include eight new pipe-rail trolleys from Steenks Service in the form of the latest model from Berkvens, the GL6500-D. Would you like to learn more about this model? Or are your curious about the benefits of these pipe-rail trolleys for the horticultural business? Read more in this newsletter.
Expansion of fleet of trolleys at HS Tuinbouw Service
HS Tuinbouw Service of Naaldwijk develops greenhouses and takes care of all aspects of their construction and maintenance, allowing customers to focus on their crops. The company has long employed pipe-rail trolleys to support horticultural operations. HS Tuinbouw Service previously rented pipe-rail trolleys but opted this time to invest in its own fleet.
The foremost reason for choosing to invest in its own fleet rather than rent was to improve the current service provision. By owning its own pipe-rail trolleys, the company can react more readily and respond more effectively to customer demands. Renting equipment involves waiting times, while some pipe-rail trolleys used by customers in the past were not always in line with the most recent CE legislation.
Berkvens GL6500-D pipe-rail trolleys
The Berkvens GL6500-D is currently the most state-of-the-art pipe-rail trolley on the market. With a maximum platform height of 650 cm, it can easily be deployed in high greenhouses. The pipe-rail trolleys can travel over multiple pipe-rail tracks of between 42.5 and 60 cm. The trolleys also feature pipe detection, a misalignment warning and platform load protection.
In addition, the pipe-rail trolleys are also safe to use thanks to their compliance with the most recent EU legislation (CE Directive). What’s more, the hydraulic support feet on the trolleys can be operated from a control panel, allowing the trolleys to be jacked. This allows for safe working at height.
Purchasing pipe-rail trolleys from Steenks Service
Do you want to purchase or rent a pipe-rail trolley? Then you’ve come to the right place! Steenks Service has a wide selection of new and used pipe-rail trolleys in its range, including from Berg Hortimotive. Do you have other questions about our products or services? If so, please use the contact form on our website, send an e-mail to info@steenks-service.nl or call +31(0) 174 510 266.